Recent comments

  • And so it goes...   10 years 39 weeks ago

    dot dot dot

    dearly loved & sorely missed already.

  • Park employees must swear fealty oath to Bush   10 years 39 weeks ago
    Seig Heil.
  • Europe now has strongest stock market in the world   10 years 39 weeks ago

    Thats pretty funny.


  • O'Reilly's true colors...   10 years 39 weeks ago
    O'reilly is a self promoting fraud. The best thing about him is having inspired the "Colbert Report".
  • US-Iraqi detention centers are breeding grounds for recruiting insurgents   10 years 39 weeks ago
    Hypocracy at its best: we want to bring "democracy" to a country that largely does not want it yet we do not hold them to the same standards or give them the rights that other democratic peoples enjoy. I imagine that if a U.S. run detention center is the first taste of democracy an Iraqi gets, they'd be even less likely to want it! Mission Accomplished!
  • O'Reilly's true colors...   10 years 39 weeks ago

    My respect for Geraldo just went up a notch or two, he managed to retain some semblence of intellectual standing during the screamfest with Billy. I suspect most of O'Reilly's viewers' brains have turned to complete rubbish by now.

     Needless to say, I'm in agreement with Geraldo on this one -- though I don't think O'Reilly has ever managed to make a point I agree with. hehe

  • Freepers make me giggle   10 years 39 weeks ago
    Nice blog. Let's hear it for the free Republicans.
  • er..., your chocolate is in my peanut butter   10 years 39 weeks ago
    LOL I remember that commerical. there is a picture blocking your blog. there was another blog that had the same thing.
  • O'Reilly's true colors...   10 years 39 weeks ago
    i think oreilly missed the point...the bigger issue is drunk driving, the secondary offense is the illegal alien status. argue all they want, the girl is dead because of the act of drunken driving, not the land of birth!
  • College financial aid advice outsourced - to loan company!   10 years 39 weeks ago
    The problem as I see it is that if you were to go to an impartial financial aid office and ask about options for financing your education, there are actually other avenues to go down before you even start thinking about taking out loans.  Then, once you go down the loan path, there are options within that can vastly affect the duration and total amount one would have to pay back in the end depending on a variety of factors.  Sure, it is possible that Nelnet is offering impartial and forthright information, but they certainly have a financial motive not to do so.
  • Google thinks I'm a fish!   10 years 39 weeks ago

    ... sorry ... you better get going if you plan to make it on time

  • College financial aid advice outsourced - to loan company!   10 years 39 weeks ago
    Tell me about it. I am still paying off student loans. Columbia University, as one example, out-sources financial aid to Citibank.
  • College financial aid advice outsourced - to loan company!   10 years 39 weeks ago

    I fail to see a conflict of interest here.  At worst, the "financial advisors" will advise the students to take a loan via Nelnet, as opposed to another lender.  Regardless, the students aren't calling the help line and asking, "how can I manage to get more money for free?".  They're likely calling to see what loan options they have, which a lending company is more than willing to provide and is probably most qualified to comment on.

    As the article says, Nelnet is only one of the many lenders (not even in the top 10) for the school.  I would imagine a phone conversation goes something along the lines of:

    Student - "Hi, I need to find $10,000 for next year's tuition."

    Advisor - "No problem.  Nelnet is offering interest deferred loans right now at X%."

    Student - "Is that my only option?"

    Advisor - "No, So-and-so bank has one that's not interest deferred, but 2% lower."

    bla. bla. bla.

    Regardless, unless there is actual fraud being committed, or an attempt to monopolize the lending process through unfair market practices, this is hardly a fox watching the hen-house scenario.

  • Conservative bully outraged over chocolate Jesus schlong   10 years 40 weeks ago
    Bill Donahue gives Catholics a bad name, I am Catholic and proud of it. I believe myself to have a strong faith structure, but I can't believe that this man represents the Catholic Church. He brings mention to this being offensive mainly because it is holy week. But depicting Christ is common in Catholic churches, Donahue seem angry because of the nudity of the statue. But when Christ was being crucified, he wore nothing but a loin cloth, if anything at all. Cosmo referenced Michealangelo, for some reason Donahue replies back by calling him Leonardo? But anyways, Donahue just loves to find things that ruins his idea of Catholicism and tries to shut others down. It's a sad time to be a Catholic when idiots like that are in charge.
  • Darwin: Chunky or Creamy?   10 years 40 weeks ago
    I agree the smugness is annoying (it's the reason I'm not a Christian, actually - pervasive smugness).  I can see your point about his logic now that I think about it.  I thought of it as just an example of what I know to be an accepted scientific fact (no life from non-life), but taking into account the person who's speaking, you're probably right that he thinks that's the entire argument.
  • Darwin: Chunky or Creamy?   10 years 40 weeks ago
    Thanks for the clarification of Abiogenisis - I'm having some flashbacks of 7th grade biology.  I think I even remember studying the Miller experiment at some point.

    To clarify back on your PS, I myself fall into the school of compatibility when it comes to creationism vs. evolution.  In other words, the origin of life is, imho, no way incompatible with its evolutionary process.  While I believe life on this planet is billions of years old, I am completely open to the idea that the process was started by an external power, entity, process, or whatever.

    What I find silly about this guy's video is not his opinion about Abiogenisis, but that he uses completely shoddy logic while smugly acting as though he has demonstrated a contradiction.  The point is, who is to say that given a sufficiently large dormancy period a jar of peanut butter might not eventually spawn a race of giant schnigers (that's schnauzer combined with tiger).  Or nothing at all.  Hell, if the guy had a jar of peanut butter mixed by George Washington Carver himself, it would still only have been around for a ridiculously small fraction of the time that the "primordial soup" would have supposedly taken to produce life. 

    By his logic, I could point to the lack of life on the moon as proof that we are completely alone in the universe.  Either way, it seems to me that this guy is trying to combine his pseudo-logic with a smug face to dupe the weak-minded into believing that they are now armed with "proof" that Darwin = Satan.
  • Righty-blogs dropping 'Republican'?   10 years 40 weeks ago
     Next thing you know..they will stop calling the War on Terror....the War on Terror.
  • Darwin: Chunky or Creamy?   10 years 40 weeks ago
      The real question is...can new life be created with a jar of that peanut butter that also dispenses the jelly.
  • Darwin: Chunky or Creamy?   10 years 40 weeks ago

    Here's the thing, apart from the fact that what he's refuting isn't Evolution, but Abiogenisis (also known as Spontaneous Generation) he's absolutely correct.  This is a point that has never been refuted despite numerous attempts in the lab.  That's not to say it never will be refuted, but thus far it hasn't.

     Louis Pasteur did a very good job of refuting Abiogenisis (check Wikipedia for an explanation of what he did.)

    Stanley Miller did some clever experiments in which he duplicated the Earth's early atmosphere (at least what the theory on what the Earth's early atmosphere said it was at the time) and managed to produce some amino acids.  (More stuff for you to Wikipedia if you're interested.)  This is quite a feat, but still no life from non-life.

     In summary, I'm really not sure what, if anything, you find silly about this man's arguement; but I am sure that you can't refute it; it's supported by at least one of the greatest minds in scientific history (Pasteur).

    (P.S. I'm not a Christian,  nor am I a conservative, nor do I support the teaching of Creationism in schools, just so we're clear on that.) 


  • McCain's photo-op cost the lives of 21 Iraqis   10 years 40 weeks ago
    So many stall owners have lost their stalls due to bombs going off (not to mention some losing alot more, like their life). Deprived of their livelihood with no income - do you think they want the American-led troops in their country? They just want their life to be the way it was prior to the war. Nothing more, nothing less.
  • Local Iraqis react to McCain's "stroll"   10 years 40 weeks ago
    It's really odd, isn't it? The media seems to be paying more attention to guys like McCain than the woman down the street who claims she was impregnated by aliens.
  • Local Iraqis react to McCain's "stroll"   10 years 40 weeks ago

    My favorite part is a NYT story that quotes some of the Iraqi shopkeepers as saying that every time the media make a big deal out of something working or being safe the insurgents attack it. So McCain was basically drawing a big nice target on their backs.

    Thanks for the help, John?

  • Conservative bully outraged over chocolate Jesus schlong   10 years 40 weeks ago
    Well said!
  • Conservative bully outraged over chocolate Jesus schlong   10 years 40 weeks ago

    The Catholic mouthpiece presumes that lack of religion equates to moral bankruptcy. He then proceeds to toss threat after threat, sounding more and more like every other radical religious zealot that proposes holy war against any dissent.

    It's petty bickering and schlong-thumping like this which gives all organized religion a bad name. If you disagree with the artist or the work, simply discuss it with your own followers. Trying to bankrupt the artist and the place it's displayed, attempting to hold some false righteousness over others who believe differently, and presuming to know what would insult god all show the true color of this representative; power.

    He's all about control and power. This is in no way about religion.

  • Monday Morning Digital Catharsis   10 years 40 weeks ago
    Suicide is one of the first things on my mind on a Monday morning hehe....