Righty-blogs dropping 'Republican'?

05 Apr
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Interesting catch from Marc McDonald on OpEdNews the other day.  Apparently, there is something conspicuously absent from right-wing blogs lately: 

 Scan any right-wing blog these days and it's hard not to notice that something is missing. 

Namely, the word "Republican." 

As he so often does these days, Rush Limbaugh sets the trends in the right-wing noise chamber. If you've listened to Limbaugh's radio show lately, you'll notice that he has rarely mentioned the word "Republican" since November. Indeed, he goes out of his way every 30 seconds to mention that he's actually a "conservative." 

I haven't done my own research on this but, if true, it's certainly an interesting development.  Seems like I remember not too long ago when the wingnuts were trying so fervently to make ‘liberal’ a dirty word.  But I guess when the Republican economy has eviscerated the middle class and the number of Americans identifying as Republican drops 15% in one year, conservatives need to do something to distance themselves from the sinking ship.

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Re: Righty-blogs dropping 'Republican'?

 Next thing you know..they will stop calling the War on Terror....the War on Terror.