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3 years 33 weeks ago
3 years 33 weeks ago
3 years 33 weeks ago
3 years 33 weeks ago
3 years 36 weeks ago
Common Misconceptions
Books by Jay
Conflict and Conciliation: Faith and Politics in an Age of Global Dissonance
Despite the peaceful foundations of global monotheistic religions, the broad diversity of interpretations can lead to a sharp paradox regarding the use of force. Inevitably, we must ask ourselves: How can those who ascribe to peaceful beliefs suspend their own moral foundation to beat the drums of war? ... read more

A self-indulgent blog for people just like me - PhD, author, photographer, entrepreneur, husband, father, music-lover, and uber-geek. More about Jay
Well that figures. My first response disappeared from here. Here it goes again.
The infrastructure is owned by the government and leased to companies who utilize the infrastructure to provide a service, much like oil extraction from public lands and utilizing "air waves" for FM, AM, and television stations. What is NOT owned by the government (or "the public") is the technology that utilizes that infrastructure to provide the profitable service. The government does not own oil rigs, it does not own the ISP servers, it does not own the transmission towers and antennas, etc.
Your opinion might hold weight with decisions about what to do affecting that infrastructure, such as upgrading the lines themselves, or even tearing them down. Your opinion holds no weight in telling a company how to utilize that infrastructure with their technology. If you don't like the technology (the cable station, the ISP, the oil company, etc.), then don't buy it. In the meantime, there are those of us in this country who DO want the service and ARE willing to pay for it. If it turns out the service is a bad business idea, it will fail. In the meantime, what say do any of us have, besides our wallets, in what services a company may or may not provide?
Be very careful with this Net Neutrality. It is truly an attempt to nationalize internet service providers. And what happens to the price of something once it's a government sanctioned monopoly? Mmmm hmmm.
What the ISP companies are attempting to do is perfectly moral and should be legal, since without them, no one has access to the internet in the first place. The problem I foresee, is that certain websites will start to partner with ceratin ISPs. For example, Amazon might partner with Comcast, while BestBuy or Barnes & Noble might partner with Verizon, etc. Bandwidth would then be increased for customers looking to access "partnered" websites and either maintained or even decreased for "competition". There's really nothing wrong with that as it still places a choice in the hands of the consumer. So long as an ISP isn't enforcing a government mandate to block certain websites, freedom of speech issues don't apply.
Also, the "internet" as we know it is not owned by any one person, country, etc. Individual websites are owned by people and companies, as are the ISPs who give us access to those websites. There is no collective ownership of the internet. It is not "our internet". It is a space where access requires a membership fee. Be forewarned: if Net Neutrality winds up decreeing the internet is a "public space", you will soon see government regulations imposed on EVERYTHING on the cybernetic highways (much like internet gambling currently is in the US). How's that for a comforting thought?
I'm with you on this with two exceptions. The first is that drinking and driving issuch a deliberately reckless act, with such little thought concerning the safety of others, to my mind it's the equivalent of attempted murder. You bring it up as an example as thought he were caught shoplifting a pack of gum. I'm not saying he deserved to be raped for it, but these guys didn't jump out of an alley as he was walking down the street, he was in prison because he committed a crime. Let's not talk about him like he's some sort of saint.
The second is that this guy is quite possibly not telling the whole truth. I've spoken to 5 different people who have been in prison, and the consensus is that the atmosphere is more one of depression than of brutal hostility between prisoners. Usually the people who are victims of this sort of thing have big mouths and end up pissing someone off. Maybe it's different where this guy is and maybe these 4 people were just lucky (or not wanting to admit that they had been raped), but I'm inclined to believe that there's more to this story than what this guy is telling, or possibly less.
If you recognize that most media is biased one way or the other, why would you depend on one outlet as your sole source of news? Not necessarily you personally, because I don't know whether or not you watch more than Fox news, but the majority of the mindless Fox news followers refuse to watch anything else for fear that they will be tainted by a *gasp* liberal point of view. You need to be able to see both sides of an issue to determine for yourself what is the truth, rather than blindly believing one source as the end all, be all of truth.
And, back to the point of the original post, I think Fox news is very comedic - their ignorant opinions and views have been making me laugh for a long time now.
And I really don't get this idea that Fox News has anyway. This new "comedy" show is going to be based on actual news stories but rather than reporting on the whole story, they will focus in on one specific facet of the story and manipulate it. Ok, isn't that basically what they do anyway? Except now it's going to have bad jokes, anicdotes and punchlines to go with it. Who's going to be their anchor? Jay Leno's retiring from the Tonight Show and I think he'd be perfect. Because when I think of bad conservative comedy, I think of Jay Leno.
A: They gather all their hate into a pile and jump off.
Apparently Rush Limbaugh is president, and Ann Coulter is vice president.
And guess who is creator/producer of the show? The executive producer of the show 24, so any liberal Jack Bauer fans, sorry ;-).
This only proves Fox news is no more a news channel than president bush is intelligent.