Libby: Leftly Leaning - Thursday, February 15th

Wonkette highlights perhaps the most surreal journalistic one-liner since Bill Frist’s testosterone soaked hair and clothes.
Over at FDL, Swopa sees the defense strategy as a microcosm of the same “state of mind†that got Libby into trouble in the first place.
With the defense attempting to demonstrate the lack of a vast conspiracy by trotting out reporters to whom Libby did not leak, Jeff Lomonaco provides the obvious rebuttal – Cheney and Libby were focusing on Miller before moving on to others.
Professor Kim takes issue with Clarice Feldman’s contention that Russert may have perjured himself over learning Plame’s identity from Libby.
Finally, on the way back home to Denver, Jeralyn bids a wistful farewell to new friends and colleagues and leaves us with a video appearance from herself, Jane, and Marcy.

Re: Libby: Leftly Leaning - Thursday, February 15th