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3 years 33 weeks ago
3 years 33 weeks ago
3 years 33 weeks ago
3 years 33 weeks ago
3 years 36 weeks ago
Common Misconceptions
Books by Jay
Conflict and Conciliation: Faith and Politics in an Age of Global Dissonance
Despite the peaceful foundations of global monotheistic religions, the broad diversity of interpretations can lead to a sharp paradox regarding the use of force. Inevitably, we must ask ourselves: How can those who ascribe to peaceful beliefs suspend their own moral foundation to beat the drums of war? ... read more

A self-indulgent blog for people just like me - PhD, author, photographer, entrepreneur, husband, father, music-lover, and uber-geek. More about Jay
FOX news makes commical commentary everytime they report on the White House. It may not be slashing but the bullshit spins they put on the truth are definitely COMICAL.
As I said at the beginning of the post, I would very much welcome a conservative comedy show. My "glorified playground names" are directed towards the show not because they are poking "fun" of liberals, but because their comedy is about the people and not the issues. When was the last time you saw the Daily Show comment on somebody's body odor (especially when there is no evidence they even have a problem with it).
My point is that this show demeans conservatives by relegating their humor to the base of fart jokes and ad hominom attacks without any attempt to place the humor within any intelligent context.
Haven't seen it yet, but will now because of this rant.
It's too bad that we can have a dozen of channels, including NPR, poking fun at conservatives but one going against the OTHER side is called glorified playground names.
Putin is hitting on Bush for Inperailism.
He said there was no reason to propose Radar Station near Prague and Missiles in Poland or Bulgaria . He gave details how trajectory of missiles from Iran or N Korea was wrong and reason was Russia.
The Pentgon admits they cannot destroy Russian missiles in flight. Only way is on LAUNCH from nearby site.Â
How will Russia react to attack on pal Iran where Russian engineers are working to complete nuclear energy plant by Sept.
SWOOSH fried americans 300 million
ÂWho will sound the alarm?
ÂSecretary of Defense William Perry toured Russian Nuclear Facilities. He came away shocked.
 Seven stories underground
Each can be quickly loaded with ten nuclear warheads
Each warhead more powerful than Hiroshima bomb
60 minutes to load—90 minutes and USA disappears from globe.
ÂTwo Top Russian Military Leaders have warned us not to Bomb IRAN their pal.
ÂClarence Swinney
Political Historian
Lifeaholics of America-retired
For the record, I think most Obama fans (myself included) tend to fancy his incredibly articulate / moving rhetorical style (his speech at the 2004 DNC nearly brought me to tears), his remarkably quick mind (see how he's handled all these attacks over the last few days, the 60 minutes interview, etc.), his fresh energy (inexperienced sure, but has the right kind of experience, has functioned in high-profile committees, and is full of positive new ideas and perspectives), and his pragmatic-reformist stance on the pressing issues of the day.
Will I vote for him? Who knows, as you say, the campaign will reveal more about the guy and I'll make my decision in a couple of years.
The main point of my post, however, is the utter insanity of comparing Bush to Lincoln all these years simply because the guy is stubborn and then coming out and claiming Obama would roll over and side with the pro-slavery crowd. Barack is rocking the boat against Big Insurance, Big Oil, Big Pharmaceuticals, Corporate malfeasance, and the bloated military-industrial complex - all of which Bush as appeased during his entire tenure. You really don't get more scrappy than Obama in a mainstream candidate. For Obama to seek to enagage in multi-lateral negotiations with other interests in the planet doesn't make him an appeaser, it makes him smart - he knows that the US is in no position to take on the planet and the time has come to move forward - fight when and only when we need to, not just when we want to.
If the government isn't doing anything wrong, it should have nothing to hide. Instead, the government is hiding everything about 9/11 and the fraudulent "war on terror." It is all a fraud to create tyranny in America. There is no good coming from turning the US into a police state - only bad. It will not make you safer, but will allow the government to have more power over your life, and allow you less privacy in your lfie. I guess Robert thinks I you've done nothing wrong, you should have nothing to hide from the gov't. I believe the American people should not have to be afraid of the government. The goverment is there to serve the people, the people are not there to serve the gov't. But that is not how the government is acting. Those who would give up freedom for temporary (false) security, deserve neither freedom nor security.... Benjamin Franklin