O'Reilly's true colors...

09 Apr
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Grudge match of the week: National Embarrassment vs. Lucifer Incarnate!  Big kudos to Rivera for turning this playground tantrum into a plug for FOX News.

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Re: O'Reilly's true colors...

O'reilly is a self promoting fraud. The best thing about him is having inspired the "Colbert Report".

Re: O'Reilly's true colors...

My respect for Geraldo just went up a notch or two, he managed to retain some semblence of intellectual standing during the screamfest with Billy. I suspect most of O'Reilly's viewers' brains have turned to complete rubbish by now.

 Needless to say, I'm in agreement with Geraldo on this one -- though I don't think O'Reilly has ever managed to make a point I agree with. hehe

Re: O'Reilly's true colors...

i think oreilly missed the point...the bigger issue is drunk driving, the secondary offense is the illegal alien status. argue all they want, the girl is dead because of the act of drunken driving, not the land of birth!