41/365:2011 2-10-2011

in 365:2011, Jay, Portraits, Self-Portrait
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  • Photo owner: Jay Daverth
  • Date Taken: Thu, 2011-02-10 23:05
  • Date Uploaded: Thu, 2011-02-10 23:01
  • Views: 104
Sick today. Maybe too many sweets this week? ;-) So with 55 minutes to spare, it's hipstamatic to the rescue!


Thanks! And no, not sad at al

Thanks! And no, not sad at all!!

This is a great capture... I a

This is a great capture... I am grateful you are like me and like creative pics, with movement and colour and stuff...
this is a great idea...more I say, more!!
I received my iPhone today - is it sad to say I got it pretty much for the hipstamatic??