Jay Daverth's blog

21 Jun

“Lie and Die” - Branding the Iraq solution

Chimpy's solution to Iraq is a no-brainer: without a strategy to actually 'win' the war, he just plans to stick it out until it becomes somebody else's problem. Meanwhile, looks like the rumors are true and the Taliban are making a dramatic resurgence in Afghanistan and Madeline Albright points out the obvious - that Bush's hubris in conducting the War on Terror has made the world a far more dangerous place.

I’ve been seeing quite a number of branding attempts cropping up from bloggers trying to counter the ever-so-eloquent, “cut and run.” A lot of them are pretty good, though none seem to have caught on among establishment Democrats. I do think you have to score one for Kerry though:

Kerry: No, what it does is provide the only opportunity for success. Stay the course is not a plan. And what this administration wants is to have a fake debate, as usual. There, there, you hear the drumbeat on every television show from every commentator, cut and run, cut and run, cut and run, cut and run. That's their phrase.

They've found their three words, they love to do that, and they're gonna try to make the elections in November a choice between "cut and run" or "stay the course." That's not the choice. My plan is not "cut and run." Their plan is "lie and die." And that's what they're doing...Our plan is very simple. It's re-deploy to win the war on terror. Change to succeed....

Video here.

In other news, looks like Japan might be the latest member of the 'coalition' to 'cut and run'. Guess they got tired of playing stooge to Team America.

21 Jun

Link Vomit

A new academic study reveals why Bush is such a screw-up. Sort of reminds me of this study a few months back where they determined that whiny babies grow up Republican.

Episcopalian Council rejects vociferous homophobic minority.

Talk about 'cut and run', yet another distraction issue taken off the table proving that Bush can't even speak without making the problem worse.

Gore on Countdown: "the people who still say that Global Warming isn't real are actually in the same boat with the Flat Earth Society. They get together and party on Saturday nights with the folks that believe the moon landing was in a movie lot in Arizona." Video here.

Poor widdle baby Cheney. FOX News has to rescue him by cutting transmission after being asked to confirm that he underestimated the strength of the insurgency in Iraq.

Hillary gets a fat 'no' in pre-election straw poll.

Rumsfeld inquiry shows he was asleep at the wheel in tanker-gate.

A second secret NSA spying room discovered at AT&T in St. Louis. Meanwhile, ACLU lawyer Lynne Stewart claims that government surveillance compromised her defense. Elsewhere, police are now taking cues from the government.

Finally, check out this article on the progressive ownership society. After working in cooperative movements back in Austin, this is an issue very close to my heart.

21 Jun

Rush is an idiot, so what?

Immediately upon waking this morning, I knew that today was going to be - normal. To what do I attribute this astute prognostication? To the fact that the blogosphere is once again rife with protestations that Rush Limbaugh - get this - lied about us on his show! Can you believe it? I mean, he works for the Excellence in Broadcasting Network. Who could ever fathom that a drug addict whose political leanings reside somewhat to the left of Mussolini would deign to utter an untruth on live radio?

Rush: "I got an email here. "(Uh) Rush, (uh) now that two of our own have been tortured and murdered by the terrorists in Iraq, will the Left say that they deserved it? I'm so sick of our cut-and-run liberals. Keep up your great work." Bob C. from Roanoke, Virginia. "PS, I love the way you do the program on the Little Kim (?)" (laughs) I read...no I added that! He didn't, he didn't put that in there. (laughs) You know, it-it's-I-uh...I gotta tell ya, I-I-I perused the liberal, kook blogs today, and they are happy that these two soldiers got tortured. They're saying, "Good riddance. Hope Rumsfeld and whoever sleep well tonight."

Audio available here. Of course, Limbaugh failed to cite any sources, and a quick Technorati search produced no such assertions. Moreover, anyone crass enough to utter something so truly idiotic would be immediately shunned from the party for being no better than, well - Rush!

So to my fellow colleagues I inquire - are you seriously surprised? I mean, I appreciate the value of calling Rush out on his truthiness, but don't you ever grow weary with stating the obvious? I admit that when I lived in Austin (this is before the days of Air America) I would listen to Rush on the way to work. For a few weeks, I enjoyed the mentally 'light' exercise of ripping his outlandish arguments to tattered shreds. But I swiftly grew bored with the dearth of stimulation.

Countering Rush on an intellectual level is simply far too easy. Moreover, highlighting his mental follies accomplishes very little save further alienating his loyal sheep audience. The problem is not that you're right and they're wrong, it's that you are not engaging on the same playing field.

The bottom line is that argumentation methods between the intellectual elite in the blogosphere and the muddy waters of Limbaugh's drug-addled cranium are fundamentally dichotomous. True intellectuals (regardless of their political slant) are generally trained to follow the scientific method in forming an opinion. You begin with a hypothesis (something you think may be true) and then you gather evidence. Based on the accumulation of this material, you make a judgment on the veracity of your argument and, if necessary, revise your hypothesis. And test again. And again. And again.

Limbaugh's ilk don't approach social issues in this fashion. They begin with a premise - something they hope is true and intend to prove - and then cherry-pick information to support it, rejecting anything that runs contrary. Lacking supportive information, they will always fall back on simply making stuff up. This is the hallmark of the modern radical right and it's not going to change until we make it change.

So if you want to continue preaching to the choir, by all means, call Rush out on his lies. But understand that you are simply p*ssing into the wind. If we want to make a real dent on his considerable influence, we must begin formulating a counter-strategy that seeks to engage his followers on a level they can understand. Attacks - ad hominem or otherwise - will only make people defensive. Moreover, their trust in Rush is so implicit, they will be unaffected by protestations that he is being disingenuous.

Since vociferous defensiveness only makes us appear guilty of his accusations, perhaps a far better strategy would be to refuse to play by his rules. Chipping away at Limbaugh will require a far more proactive and sincerely welcoming outreach to his audience. Considering that most of them identify as Christians, it should not be difficult (though perhaps time-consuming) to persuade them that the left is far more in tune with their values than a drug-addict womanizer who spews venomous lies for cheap sensationalism.

Try this for a week: Keep tabs on his outrage du jour and engage your fellow Rush enthusiast on the issues. Don't attack them or Rush personally. Acknowledge the "value" in the oppositions' argument (in other words, lie a little). For example, call your grandparents and say, "I think that Rush has a good point that we need to support our troops."  Then tell them how you think our troops should be supported - proper equipment, adequate funding, VA benefits for the mental and physical damage the war is causing them, a concrete plan for victory, and accountability for poor decisions at the top. When you locate the points in which you agree, you become an ambassador for the left and will be much more effective in countering Rush's influence than simply casting aspersions and trying to "out" him as an imbecile.

Rush has spent years cultivating an army of intellectually befuddled masses. Don't assume there is a magic bullet to countering his influence. You will not point out the lies and have people suddenly say, "ah-ha," and vote Democrat. If we want lasting change in time for 2006 and 2008, we need to begin planting the seeds today.

20 Jun

Before I go...

Following on O'Reilly's nostalgia for the days of Saddam, please take a moment to vote in the newest poll (top right).
20 Jun

Link Vomit

Make ‘em fat than slim ‘em out! Nestle Cornering the market on obesity.

Looks like Bush pulled another fast one on the American people. After congress tries to wrest port control from Dubai Ports World, the GOP quietly strips the language. As of today, DPW currently controls 22 U.S. ports. Does Bush want to protect the homeland or Walmart?

Ned Lamont gets another whopper of an endorsement. Looks like Joe-boy will be crying in his beer tonight.

When liberals don’t like something, they scream and yell about it. When Republicans’ fragile ears get burned, they issue death threats. Even when the target is a 15 year old girl.

30 years after removing homosexuality from the DSM-IV, the Pentagon is still listing it as a mental disorder akin to retardation and schizophrenia.

Fox News Channel's John Gibson asked FBI Assistant Director for Public Affairs John Miller if the American government ever fakes terrorist documents. Is this really a question we should have to ask?

Bush pondering the age-old question: When dealing with men who endanger the lives of our intelligence community, should I pardon them now or should I pardon them later?

20 Jun

Words better than fists?

Suzanne Nossel lays out the case for unconditional agreement to engage in talks with any country that is willing: 

I understand the notion that by engaging directly in talks with countries that make threats and flout international norms, the US risks dignifying and publicizing these nations' illegitimate positions and causes. I also recognize that amid bitter and longstanding policy conflicts, the chances that direct talks between diplomats with vastly different objectives and value-systems will help bridge differences may be slim indeed. I don't think that pushing for direct talks with either North Korea or Iran comes close to proffering a "solution" to either crisis. It merely advocates a change in the process by which the conflicts are currently dealt with.

With that said, I wonder whether the US might not be better off with a blanket policy of unconditional willingness to talk directly to North Korea, Iran, and any nation that asks to meet with us face-to-face. We would not be offering to change our positions, concede any of our arguments, or give credence to any of theirs, but rather simply to meet with no strings attached and no promises implied.

A lot of you may recall this popping up during one of the Kerry/Bush smackdowns debates where Bush tried to pretend he had some rationale behind refusing to talk with North Korea. Nowadays, the only lesson we’ve given the world is that if you want to avoid being the next Iraq, you should beef up your nuke-ular arsenal as soon as you can.

This push comes directly on the heels of a report that Iran offered to negotiate back in 2003 suggesting that everything – full cooperation on nuclear programs, acceptance of Israel and the termination of Iranian support for Palestinian militant groups – was on the table: 

The document lists a series of Iranian aims for the talks, such as ending sanctions, full access to peaceful nuclear technology and a recognition of its "legitimate security interests." Iran agreed to put a series of U.S. aims on the agenda, including full cooperation on nuclear safeguards, "decisive action" against terrorists, coordination in Iraq, ending "material support" for Palestinian militias and accepting the Saudi initiative for a two-state solution in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The document also laid out an agenda for negotiations, with possible steps to be achieved at a first meeting and the development of negotiating road maps on disarmament, terrorism and economic cooperation.

After being rebuffed, Iran felt they had little choice but to begin an aggressive push towards military independence. Meanwhile, the Bush administration chose the only member of the so-called ‘axis of evil’ that wasn’t currently posing a threat and invaded. So the score now stands at Axis of Evil – 2, Bush 1 (with an asterisk)

This is an endemic problem with Team Chimpy. They are more than comfortable with their guns and bombs, but have no capacity for rational thought and prudent dialogue. While hawks in the administration may have somehow deluded themselves into seeing this as a negotiation technique, such strong-armed tactics are merely hubris disguised as statesmanship, and are making the world a more dangerous place to live.

20 Jun

Batting 1000

Bush on Katrina: "I don't think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees." (September 2005)

Cheney on Iraq: "I don't think anybody anticipated the level of violence that we've encountered." (June 2006)

Way to go there fellas, you're doing a heckuva job!  View the sputtering, slippery fool here.

20 Jun

How Bill O'Reilly won the war

Ah, erudite pontificator, prognosticator of pragmatic power, sagacious seer of sanguine solutions – lo, thy name be O’Reilly:

O’Reilly: Now to me, they’re not fighting it hard enough. See, if I’m president, I got probably another 50-60 thousand with orders to shoot on sight anybody violating curfews. Shoot them on sight. That’s me… President O’Reilly… Curfew in Ramadi, seven o’clock at night. You’re on the street? You’re dead. I shoot you right between the eyes. Ok? That’s how I run that country. Just like Saddam ran it. Saddam didn’t have explosions - he didn’t have bombers. Did he? because if you got out of line, you’re dead.

Now… is that the kind of country I want to have for Iraq? No… But you have to have that for a few months to stabilize the situation so the Iraqi government can get organized, can get security in place and can get the structure going.

What else is there to say but 'Bravo my good sir.' I mean, sissy-boy McCain offered mere words for solving this crisis. But you. You know that the best way to get people to stop fighting is to shoot them all dead in the street. Kill. Kill. Blood makes the grass grow. And the good lord knows the desert could use it.

If a woman goes into labor after curfew, then she should toughen up like Americans and hold it in until morning. Serves her right for reproducing anyway, the world is already too crowded with brown people. When the mischievous Iraqi children sneak out on a cool, moonless night - blast them! Iraqi children only grow into Iraqi terrorists anyway. If two lovers are out for a pre-dawn stroll in downtown Baghdad, kill 'em! Better get rid of them now before they make more children to kill. Saving ammunition is just good fiscal responsibility.

Bottom line: dead Iraqi's don't put up much of a fight. May your glorious insight reign supreme, President O'Reilly!

19 Jun

Monday Morning Link Vomit

I was planning to say something exceedingly clever about the latest twinkle in Bush’s soul-staring eyes, but looks like Ezra beat me to it.

Cal Thomas calls FOX News the “Trailer Trash ” it is. Does he mean like the Dukes of Hazard? I get it! And Rupert Murdoch is Boss Hogg!

Think Progress has the timeline spelled out on how Hastert used your tax dollars to get rich on a land investment deal.

Harvard course teaching students how to be happy. Lucky rich kids... I had to settle for takeout pizza and a dimebag on the weekends!

The theme of this 3-year old’s birthday party – Newshour! How tragically sick. Demented even! How dare we, er, indoctrinate, uh, well… at that age… gulp. Ok, I admit it, I loved it and would probably do it myself. There. Are you happy? Man my kids are gonna be screwed up!

From Wonkette: “It’s getting so that a couple nice young girls can’t drive up to DC for the Pride parade without getting openly propositioned by Republican Strategists who give them their real names and business cards these days.” Ahh, to be a family-values Republican with a sex addiction. Is this latest string of GOP sex scandals just payback for all the girls who wouldn’t sleep with them in High School?