Link Vomit

Make ‘em fat than slim ‘em out! Nestle Cornering the market on obesity.
Looks like Bush pulled another fast one on the American people. After congress tries to wrest port control from Dubai Ports World, the GOP quietly strips the language. As of today, DPW currently controls 22 U.S. ports. Does Bush want to protect the homeland or Walmart?
Ned Lamont gets another whopper of an endorsement. Looks like Joe-boy will be crying in his beer tonight.
When liberals don’t like something, they scream and yell about it. When Republicans’ fragile ears get burned, they issue death threats. Even when the target is a 15 year old girl.
30 years after removing homosexuality from the DSM-IV, the Pentagon is still listing it as a mental disorder akin to retardation and schizophrenia.
Fox News Channel's John Gibson asked FBI Assistant Director for Public Affairs John Miller if the American government ever fakes terrorist documents. Is this really a question we should have to ask?
Bush pondering the age-old question: When dealing with men who endanger the lives of our intelligence community, should I pardon them now or should I pardon them later?