Link Vomit

A new academic study reveals why Bush is such a screw-up. Sort of reminds me of this study a few months back where they determined that whiny babies grow up Republican.
Episcopalian Council rejects vociferous homophobic minority.
Talk about 'cut and run', yet another distraction issue taken off the table proving that Bush can't even speak without making the problem worse.
Gore on Countdown: "the people who still say that Global Warming isn't real are actually in the same boat with the Flat Earth Society. They get together and party on Saturday nights with the folks that believe the moon landing was in a movie lot in Arizona." Video here.
Poor widdle baby Cheney. FOX News has to rescue him by cutting transmission after being asked to confirm that he underestimated the strength of the insurgency in Iraq.
Hillary gets a fat 'no' in pre-election straw poll.
Rumsfeld inquiry shows he was asleep at the wheel in tanker-gate.
A second secret NSA spying room discovered at AT&T in St. Louis. Meanwhile, ACLU lawyer Lynne Stewart claims that government surveillance compromised her defense. Elsewhere, police are now taking cues from the government.
Finally, check out this article on the progressive ownership society. After working in cooperative movements back in Austin, this is an issue very close to my heart.