Monday Morning Link Vomit

19 Jun
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I was planning to say something exceedingly clever about the latest twinkle in Bush’s soul-staring eyes, but looks like Ezra beat me to it.

Cal Thomas calls FOX News the “Trailer Trash ” it is. Does he mean like the Dukes of Hazard? I get it! And Rupert Murdoch is Boss Hogg!

Think Progress has the timeline spelled out on how Hastert used your tax dollars to get rich on a land investment deal.

Harvard course teaching students how to be happy. Lucky rich kids... I had to settle for takeout pizza and a dimebag on the weekends!

The theme of this 3-year old’s birthday party – Newshour! How tragically sick. Demented even! How dare we, er, indoctrinate, uh, well… at that age… gulp. Ok, I admit it, I loved it and would probably do it myself. There. Are you happy? Man my kids are gonna be screwed up!

From Wonkette: “It’s getting so that a couple nice young girls can’t drive up to DC for the Pride parade without getting openly propositioned by Republican Strategists who give them their real names and business cards these days.” Ahh, to be a family-values Republican with a sex addiction. Is this latest string of GOP sex scandals just payback for all the girls who wouldn’t sleep with them in High School?

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