I am Taco-Bound!!

11 Aug
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Whelp, travelling abounds once again today, this time I'm on my way to Austin, Texas - easily the bestest lil' ol' city resting anywhere on the crust of this planet (although I do hear that the magma-mud dwellers of the outer-core city of holycrapitshotica are quite lovely peeps). If anyone wants to hang, chances are I'll be at one of the following places: Trudy's (West), Magnolia's (Congress), Mothers, or the Spider House. I'll try to be morfe specific about times if I'm able (not sure where my internets are a-coming from).

Anyhoo, obviously no time to post anything of import today as I will be tackling (in a very Zen state) the security at Amarillo National Airport (where, despite calls of BS to the contrary, I HAVE been asked to remove my pants). BUT, as promised, I present you the following dose of smiles which I find strangely emblematic of DNC strategy over the last 5 years.

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Too Funny!

That is so my pug. Shai tries to act devious, she can be very determined when she wants something and I tend to let her get away with it because she is so darned cute. Thanks for the smiles.