Toothpaste and Strip-Searches

What a nightmare. Obviously I’m grateful that they were caught before anyone got hurt. I’m grateful that it was the Pakistani intelligence who were on the ball with this one and not some photo-op obsessed Western agency looking to hype a bunch of boobs trying to score Al-Qa’eda swag. And I’m grateful that those idiots will be denied whatever sense of martyrdom they hoped to achieve and can be locked away where they won’t cause any more suffering.
But mostly I’m just pissed off. I’m pissed off that Team Chimpy will claim this as a victory in the War on Terror when it is really just evidence of their continued and protracted failure. I’m pissed off that the Right will try to paint this as the act of crazy extremists who “hate freedom†rather than the predictable backlash of those downwardly mobile victimized by unregulated Western neo-liberal economic imperialism.
But to be honest, I’m really just pissed off because I have to fly twice in the next week. And now, in addition to having to take off my shoes, I’ve got to make sure that I don’t have any toothpaste or hand lotion in my backpack lest I face a strip-search from the over-zealot nut jobs running TSA at the Amarillo airport (not the first time I’ve been strip-searched there, in case you were wondering). And I now have to live with an additional level of sanctimonious bullsh*t from the people who are supporting the very policies that foster this level of backlash and make the world a more dangerous place – all in the name of fighting the so-called War on Terror.
Anyway, apologies all around for the attitude – I’m sure even Gandhi sunk into melancholy once in a while. Promise my next post will be something jolly.

no sucject.. I think
strip search