
02 Jul

Kitten Kute with Surprise Ending!

in Funny, Video

Via BoingBoing:

10 Jun

Bananas - The Atheist Nightmare!!

in Funny, Religion, Video

Thank you 80's-sitcom-star-turned-lobotomized-nutjob Kirk Cameron!  Who knew the simple banana was proof of the almighty's ultimate plan for humanity!

Honestly, I think anyone who doesn't believe in the evolutionary process is in some serious self-denial.  However, abiogenesis is another story entirely and there is PLENTY of room for a healthy debate over whether a sentient, interventionist creator put the machine in motion.  But committing your freak flag to video like this doesn't do the religious movement any favors - unless the mere existence of someone with such severe mental deficiencies is itself proof against survival of the fittest.

Kinda reminds me of the peanut butter man I posted a while back:

26 May

The "Blog" of "Unnecessary" Quotation Marks: yeah, "safety"

in Funny


 crime prevention

Yeah, and I "believe" that "Big Brother" is only "thinking" of our "best interests"

30 Apr

Fun with Screenshots

in Funny

Interesting placement of the play button on this video.  But I couldn't help thinking it reminded me of something.  Now what was that?


Oh yeah, that's it!


17 Apr

Ahh, the golden age of gender roles

in Funny, Gender. Femenism & Patriarchy, Video

Can somebody please explain to me again what was so great about the 1950's??