Bush solves deficit with ball-point pen, coathanger, and a wish

05 Feb
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Now there’s a glass-is-half-full kind of guy:

 The budget that President Bush will submit to Congress today shows the federal deficit falling in each of the next four years and would produce a $61 billion surplus in 2012, administration officials said. But to get there, Bush is counting on strong economic growth, diminishing costs in the Iraq war and tight domestic spending to offset the cost of his tax cuts.

So basically, the boy president, who spent a lifetime running business after business into the ground before squandering the biggest national surplus in history (compacted doubly by also creating the largest deficit), now claims he can turn it all around and guide us into a new golden age of financial largess and a chicken in every pot. Oh, and everyone gets a free quilt.

Our future affluence is basically a done deal. As long as we can count on virtually unprecedented economic growth. And we stop hemorrhaging money in elective and bungled warmongering. And we cut both spending and entitlement programs. Oh yeah, and we wait at least four years until after this incompetent boob has left office.

Well that last one sounds about right.

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Re: Bush solves deficit with ball-point pen, coathanger, and a w

Explain to me why you right-wing trolls never seem to know how to spell? Home-schooled?

Re: Bush solves deficit with ball-point pen, coathanger, and a w

you strupid liberals, your just pissed that tax cuts are working. i love keping more of my check and your just mad that you were wrong and bush was right.