When you've lost the post...

02 Jun
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...then you know you've got problems:

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Check this. Unfortunately,

Check this.

Unfortunately, the cover dates back to May 2002, and is therefore to be considered Old News.

"Mr. Fleischer recalled a virulent period with the media (and Democrats) in May 2002 after a New York Post headline proclaimed that "Bush Knew" in advance about the Sept. 11 attacks.

"That was a vicious explosion that lasted a week," he said. "But the president calculated the press would go too far, and they went so far in their accusations that the country was far more inclined to believe the president than the press." Several polls at the time showed President Bush maintaining his high approval ratings of 75 percent throughout the episode.

"The public perceives the press not as watchdogs but as attack dogs," Mr. Fleischer said."

He knew - and nobody cared.

Nice blog, too. Thank you!

Pearl Harbor

The US was one week into an exercies looking for hijackings whan 9/11 happened

Why am I not surprised?

That's really crazy, though I can't say I'm shocked.  Do you have a source on that?