91 of 365:2011 4-1-2011

in 365:2011, Dover, United Kingdom
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  • Photo owner: Jay Daverth
  • Date Taken: Fri, 2011-04-01 18:51
  • Date Uploaded: Mon, 2011-04-04 08:33
  • Views: 14
Landed late last night from Cork and left early this morning from Manchester to run a mountain of last-minute errands and then drive to Dover (picking up the ferry tomorrow), so was wa-haay too exhausted to shoot anything. This is a random bit of corporate hotel-iage I shot for the simple reason of not ruining a thus-far successful 365 project.


I've done the same on more tha

I've done the same on more than one occasion. I think of it as living to fight another day