340 of 365:2011 12-10-2011

in 365:2011, Animals, Birds, Owls
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  • Photo owner: Jay Daverth
  • Date Taken: Sat, 2011-12-10 07:22
  • Date Uploaded: Wed, 2011-12-14 12:46
  • Views: 15
Hard to tell from the image but this guy is teeny-tiny (about the size of a gerbil). I asked his handler if he was still carniorous and he said, "no ... he's from Arizona."

Damn my accent!


Lol on the "he's from Arizona

Lol on the "he's from Arizona line." Beautiful profile shot Jay.

Haha! :) He is beautiful.

Haha! :) He is beautiful.

Oh, beautiful, what a find!

Oh, beautiful, what a find!