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128 of 365:2011 5-8-2011
Posted on 08. May, 2011 by Jay Daverth
in 365:2011, Cars, Retro

- Photo owner: Jay Daverth
- Date Taken: Sun, 2011-05-08 12:34
- Date Uploaded: Mon, 2011-05-09 18:43
- Views: 22
We've come full circle when the VW bus is pimped out as a limousine. I had to process this back about 40 years with Photoshop before I was happy again!

A self-indulgent blog for people just like me - PhD, author, photographer, entrepreneur, husband, father, music-lover, and uber-geek. More about Jay
Cool processing.
Cool processing.
I !"£$% love it!!! Man I want
I !"£$% love it!!!
Man I want one of those!!
Love the processing - seriously vintage feel!