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323 of 365:2011 11-20-2011
Posted on 20. Nov, 2011 by Jay Daverth
in 365:2011

- Photo owner: Jay Daverth
- Date Taken: Sun, 2011-11-20 12:33
- Date Uploaded: Mon, 2011-11-21 09:21
- Views: 15
Selective color of the Christmas lights at the Trafford tower.

A self-indulgent blog for people just like me - PhD, author, photographer, entrepreneur, husband, father, music-lover, and uber-geek. More about Jay
Great processing. Like the fee
Great processing. Like the feel.
Nicely done Jay! Great on blac
Nicely done Jay! Great on black
Nice one!
Nice one!
This is so pretty and so Chris
This is so pretty and so Christmasy! Great shot =)
Beautiful lights!
Beautiful lights!