201 of 366

in 19.07.2012, 365: the 2012 edition, 365:2012, Aquarium, Day 201, Fish
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  • Photo owner: Jay Daverth
  • Date Taken: Thu, 2012-07-19 08:23
  • Date Uploaded: Mon, 2012-08-06 13:19
  • Views: 14
Aquairum from Pets at Home


Nice aggressive tank you have

Nice aggressive tank you have there. Once the power jet fell into the tank (no big deal since its waterproof), but my Red Bellied Paku chewed through the power cord and electrocuted himself.

I fished him out and reached in to grab the power jet, only to realize that I was holding bare power wire - I suddenly realized the cause of death, but not before doing a little freaking out myself - then realizing that If I were going to be electrocuted, well - I wouldn't have time for all these thoughts running through my head. Surprisingly, the Pacu was the only fish dead - the breaker must have cut before any other fish got shocked - quite surprising.