73 of 366

in 13.03.2012, 365: the 2012 edition, 365:2012, Animals, Day 73, Plants, Roosters, Rust
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  • Photo owner: Jay Daverth
  • Date Taken: Tue, 2012-03-13 18:09
  • Date Uploaded: Wed, 2012-03-14 09:56
  • Views: 25
Must be morning -- the roosters are a-crowin'!


Neat guy...is he just hanging

Neat guy...is he just hanging around for fun?

My OCD..need that rooster to b

My OCD..need that rooster to be filled in..AHHHH! *mental image* I'm good ;D

Nicely set against the greens!

Nicely set against the greens!

he seems to me to be of the in

he seems to me to be of the indoors variety!
cute looking fellow!

And I hear you're getting some

And I hear you're getting some springlike weather. (Congrats on your 500th Flickr pic)