My Time Magazine Person of the Year Award

18 Dec
Printer-friendly versionSend by emailPDF version Time Magazine, I appreciate that you want to make me the 2007 Person of the Year, but I must unfortunately reject the award on the grounds that I have done nothing worthy of comparison with the pantheon of former recipients.  Oh, and because giving the award to 300 million other people is just about the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. 

The whole point of Time’s Person of the Year award is that it’s not for everyone.  It’s supposed to be for the person who most influenced world events in a given year.  If they really feel as though 2007 was a spectacular year for technological evolution, then they should have identified an individual or team who most contributed to this trend.  This isn’t playschool, we don’t all have to win.  In fact, I never considered myself in the running.

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Re: My Time Magazine Person of the Year Award

So it really is all about me. I mean, us.