Jon Stewart at his phinest!

20 Aug
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After all these years, The Daily Show still represents one of the most implausibly consistent half hours in tee-vee land. I've never managed to watch a single episode in which I did not at least once:

  • Get to laugh at a wingnut,
  • Get to laugh at myself,
  • Get angry about something,
  • Find some optimism,
  • and learn something I never knew before.

For the abject futility of trying to encapsulate concise clips, THF readers have probably noticed that I rarely post TDS vids on this site. But John Stewart's interview with sycophantic "historian", Stephen Hayes, about his biography of Dick Cheney is one clip that is just screaming to go viral.

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Re: John Stewart at his phinest!

I saw the old Cheney clip as well and I agree this one is screaming to go viral. ;)