It's good to be king

According to an unreleased report by the House Judiciary Committee, the Bush dissemblistration may have violated as many as 26 statutes:
The laws implicated by the Administration’s actions include federal laws against making false statements to congress [sic]; federal laws and international treaties prohibiting torture and cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment; federal laws concerning retaliating against witnesses and other government employees; Executive Orders concerning leaking and other misuse of intelligence; federal regulations and ethical requirements governing conflicts of interest; the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act; communications privacy laws; the National Security Act; and the Fourth Amendment.
TPMmuckraker reports that:
On their face, the laundry list of alleged wrongs form a natural basis for impeachment proceedings -- but Conyers has insisted he has no intention of rushing to impeach. No, a slow walk to possible impeachment (preferably down a path that includes months of hearings) is more what the would-be chairman envisions, he has said.
Excellent (insert Simpson’s Mr. Burns fingers here). Don’t just fire the guy, that would only make him a martyr to the Right Wing fringe for the next 50 years. Instead, let’s let him spend several months explaining to the country in precise detail how he has systematically destroyed the Democratic structures central to the mythology of our collective civic narrative until even the crazies can no longer hide their heads in the sand. When the truth comes out, maybe we could finally move forward.

You really shouldn't do a
Okay, that was rude, go ahead and delete it. Seriously.