Is the company hired to backup White House emails competent?

15 Nov
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Although a federal judge has ordered the White House to backup their emails in compliance with the Federal Records Act, what assurances do we have that the job is getting done?  According to one source, the answer is very little.

Having now been forced to maintain adequate controls on electronic records preservation, the White House has tasked the Office of the Administration with the job alongside all assurances to the Judiciary and the American people that they have been "...taking steps to maintain and preserve backup tapes for the official e-mail system."

Putting aside the annoyances that it takes a federal judge to get the Executive Branch to comply with even the most minor oversight, archiving electronic records of such importance requires, to say the least, a well-managed system.  With literally millions of emails moving through White House servers, it is not enough to simply hit the 'archive' button on your email client but rather requires an intricate system of both digital and tape storage as well as solid geographical disbursement in order to minimize the risk of loss.  That is why these projects are normally outsourced to qualified professional third parties whose primary business is backup.

I have a trustworthy source in the company providing tech support to the Office of the Administration and he is far from impressed:

Like the article mentioned, they?re called the executive office of the president.  These guys are contractors and you can tell they're new to the job.  Everyone we deal with there are a bunch of morons.  They have no clue how to administer the unix box that networker (their backup software) is installed on or how to manage their backup media (tapes) or any aspect of what you need to know in order to ensure proper backups.  Needless to say they're a bit of a running joke around the office.

Is it really so wrong to expect those running the government to be among the best and brightest of their generation?

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Re: Is the company hired to backup White House emails competent?

Well Jay we go waaaaaaay back! But for real, is anyone our country hire's a good choice? I am sure the people that watch the news remember the sister's that charged a thousand a bolt or such story. Yet here we are pretending like the same dumb over paying country somehow killed a plane full of people on 9 11 so the story would sell.

Truth is in reality probably not..................

No whoever our White Houdr hired to back anything up is probably not "Right for the job". Either way as American's we all need to fully understand this....Our government takes our votes, then does what they want!!! That is the one real truth here in the U.S.

Everyone here hate Micheal Moore for pointing out things we already see but wont admitt to!

Yet here we are calling him a liar, a commie, and the list goes on...Yet when you look into what he says all the facts point to the one real fact he is simply trying to enlighten by use of fact......

In the end what it all comes down to is this... American citizens need to feel as though they are on top. even when it comes to selling fruit on the highways! They may buy some tainted fruit, but in the end they know that in this economy, they may be that mexican...

Can anyone our government hires for protection all the way down to condom disposal be trusted? all comes dopwn to how popular are you..Much like Miss America!! He said "whoooooooooo" and seemed happy so lets not vote for the crazy person...Yet here we are a lady as president, or a black dude...

In the end we were forced to choose too soon or not! Here we are...Other candidates sre even more real than the dolls that are popular, yet we allow the media to tell us who the real choices are!

Hillary stuck with a man that got a blow job! Obama has an anti gay preacher in his archive! Who wins?

The person that has a nice smile sadly the truth wont set America free! Both are jokes! But one will win...Much like when America voted for a chimp and "Won"..................We got Bushy!

in the real end.......Its a popularity contest not a legitimate vote....

We vote for the person that looks ok on the telivision and pretend I am lying I dare you!!!!!!!!!!!