Conservatives turning on the Red State Sweetheart?
However, Neumann surmised that Coulter’s incendiary book may have played an “indirect†role in the final decision. “I think it was the book that began to unwind support among her readers,†Neumann explained.
Liberals have never liked her, and we’ve always gotten complaints [from them]. But the complaints that mattered the most were from the conservative readers,†who felt that their views were being misrepresented.
It’s about time conservatives make a return to their values – small government, fiscal responsibility, and high-brow debate. None of which seem present in Coulter’s ilk.
On a side note, I especially love this quote from the E & P article:
Coulter's syndicate, Universal Press, cleared her of plagiarism charges earlier this week.
Um … Coulter’s syndicate has no authority with which to ‘clear’ her of anything. It is what it is and Coulter did steal several passages verbatim. There is no grey area in this, nor does a company with a self-interest in clearing her lend any credibility to a vindication.
On a side-side-note, enjoy this clip of Donny Deutsch obliterating her royal vacuousness on the BIG idea, telling her there are no liberal ‘boogeymen’ and that her snipes on the 9-11 widows are shameful.