Breaking News: Bloggers = secret Nazi underground

14 Jul
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Hat tip to AlterNet for catching this piece from Jason Horowitz.  In the vacuous cobwebbed depths of Horowitz’s head, the reason those vicious netroots are opposing Lieberman’s reelection is because they are all, in fact, Jew haters.  Yes, anti-Semites, every damn one of us.  Not a single day goes by that my thoughts for my people are not as dark as my Jew-hating heart.  I curse Lieberman and his horns (oh yes, they rest just beneath that thinning toupee) and his wicked faith.  In fact, after all the press left YearlyKos, I can personally verify that the lights went out, the hoods went on, and we all circle-jerked while Markos read passages from Mein Kampf.  Ahh, good times. 

And, BTW, Steven Colbert is on our side.  May our glorious Aryan nation reign supreme.

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