Deciding ain’t as quick as it yoosta be:Â
CRAWFORD, Texas - President Bush worked nearly three hours at his Texas ranch on Thursday to design a new U.S. policy in Iraq, then emerged to say that he and his advisers need more time to craft the plan he'll announce in the new year.Â
Now, I know what you’re thinking – how could somebody work three whole hours straight and not have finished the job? Well, in Bush’s defense, he
didn’t get started until noon and had to stop at 12:15 for his afternoon nap. Since there was work to be done, he awoke at 1:00, but 30 minutes later Laura brought him his milk and cookies. Eager to complete his listening and deciding duties, he rushed through his Chips Ahoy and got back to business by about 2:00, but Barbara called a few minutes later to make sure he brushed his teeth. He had not. Normally, this only takes Georgie about 25 minutes, but somebody in the Secret Service had misplaced his lucky Snoopy Toothbrush and had to run out to the 7-11 for a new one. While there, they were delayed further when it became apparent that the proprietor was one of them Aye-rabs and needed debriefing. Our intrepid leader put his nose back to the grindstone at 2:50, but had to stop a few minutes later for his 3:00 tee-off. So really, the guy only worked about 45 minutes and, c’mon – who could be expected to clean up a mess like Iraq in less than an hour?Â
I say, heckuva job Bushie!