FOX News Loves Terrorism
Seriously, like the Bush administration, FOX owes terrorism for every single ounce of it's mandate (such that it is). In fact, FOX News loves terrorism so much that they are actively funding it. No, I am not joking. Now, in addition to helping destroy the homeland from within, they are actively financing – to the tune of $2 million – terrorist activities abroad. There’s a good reason why the United States has a policy of not negotiating with terrorists, but like any good modern Republican, FOX thinks that the rules just don’t apply to them. That if they throw on enough lapel flags, they have some kind of invisible barrier of infallibility. Hopefully, the MSM will defy expectations and stay on top of this to see how high up it goes.
Honestly, I’ve long become bored with the “FOX News is Evil’ story; there is just nothing particularly new about it. But of course, this news came on the same day as the the Huffington Post got hold of a “leaked†FOX News memo instructing journalists to be vigilant for “statements from the Iraqi insurgents, who must be thrilled at the prospect of a Dem-controlled congress.â€Â So I’m pissed. And now you will read every damn word I have to say.
First of all, we’ve all seen Outfoxed, we all know The Memo is a fact of life in Murdoch’s hotbed of radical “journalism.â€Â So I find it difficult to believe that this memo wasn’t leaked intentionally in order to say what FOX wouldn’t dare say on air – that the Democratic election signals the victory of the insurgency. FOX has never been so much about reporting the news as they are about shaping the news – and whenever possible, making it up themselves. They have been at the forefront of a national undercurrent of fear-based propaganda from their very inception. I know it, you know it – dogs know it. The only people who don't know it are in willful denial.
But to say that the terrorists are rejoicing in a Democratic victory (while admitting the complete dearth of evidence to support such fantasy) is not only one of the most ridiculous accusations in modern politics, it is by monumentally the most laughable act of displacement in the post-911 world. This ranks right up there with assertion that bin Laden endorsed John Kerry in 2004 which (by the way, also floated by FOX News) despite the fact that the consensus at the CIA was the exact opposite – that bin Laden was trying to help get Bush a second term.Â
Fact is, I rather doubt that bin Laden, the Iraqi insurgents, Al-Qaeda, or any other radically militarized non-state network has much idea at all what a Democratic power locus would affect them. All they know, all that has been proven empirically through repeated testing, is that the Bush administration is the best thing that has ever happened to them. GOP rule in the War on Terror has elevated a small band of maniacal criminals into an international movement, has eroded the very foundation of liberalism upon which the U.S. was founded, and has all but decimated America’s international reputation.Â
In the GOP, our adversaries have a predictability they would be loathe to give up.  Even Rove will tell you that when you have a plan that works you stick with it. But a Democratic victory has changed the balance of power in the war. Our adversaries, such as they can be conceived us as a singular entity, no longer know with any degree of certainty how we will behave. But they can expect a strategy backed by logic, adaptability, and determination. They can expect a full implementation of the 911 commission’s recommendations. They can expect a forceful international coalition against the vanguard coupled with a renewed focus on diplomacy and human security that will cut off their legs from below. And that should scare the hell out of them.Â
So no. I reject the notion that this leak was accidental. I do, however, submit that the leak of such a statement is one more for the slushpile of evidence that FOX is the propaganda mouthpiece of the GOP unworthy of its press credentials. A legitimate news organization would be on the lookout for reactions to the election and not seeking to cherry-pick statements expressing giddiness at a Democratic victory. But FOX was never trying to be legitimate, they were only trying to be relevant.Â
Have you seen
the one from Huffington Post about the internal memo issued by VP John Moody on November 9th,ordering FAUX employees to look for statemants from the terrorists prasing the Dems? They just can't get over the fact that the American people finally woke up from their six year sleep and threw them out on their collective right wing asses. The only terrorist statements that I've seen come from terrorism central: THE WHITE HOUSE.