Crashing the Gates

If you spend your life hanging out in the blogsphere, you might really get the impression that Kos has it right. Although I would prefer a more representative government, this is how a two-party system works. Both sides gravitate towards the center in order to get elected and, when that starts to fail, the more progressive movements on the left step in to regain momentum against the radical right.
Remember, it wasn’t long ago that anyone on the left was criticized from both sides of the aisle for being out of touch. And just to prove my point that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, we now we have a MSM that is imploding on itself. Rush Limbaugh is called out for airing a fake pro-war veteran, an actual (and very well-spoken) real veteran calls out O’Reilly on his America-hating, fake journalists are criticising real ones from on high, and the New York Times tows the line and “corrects†the Iraqi Prime Minister’s criticism of U.S. war atrocities.
Add to this the liberal paradise of Canada joining the ranks of publicity-motivated illegal police stings by arresting terror suspects for possession of substances that the police themselves mailed, the American Bar Association voting unanimously to investigate the constitutionality of Bush’s 750+ signing statements, and the GOP base proving unimpressed with Bush’s shameful pandering on the hate marriage amendment.
At least Skeletor Ann Coulter is reliably stationed somewhere to the left of Mussolini.