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3 years 33 weeks ago
3 years 33 weeks ago
3 years 33 weeks ago
3 years 33 weeks ago
3 years 36 weeks ago
Common Misconceptions
Books by Jay
Conflict and Conciliation: Faith and Politics in an Age of Global Dissonance
Despite the peaceful foundations of global monotheistic religions, the broad diversity of interpretations can lead to a sharp paradox regarding the use of force. Inevitably, we must ask ourselves: How can those who ascribe to peaceful beliefs suspend their own moral foundation to beat the drums of war? ... read more

A self-indulgent blog for people just like me - PhD, author, photographer, entrepreneur, husband, father, music-lover, and uber-geek. More about Jay
Gorgeous skyline!
Great photo. Must be an amazing place. 52 seems a whole lot easier than 366 too:)
what a great sky!
Good job, love the sky and the cityscape!
Wow, it's stunning to look at. Love the darkness/light contrast. Beautiful clouds too. Would never had guessed this was taken on a phone!
Amazing sky and urban skyline.
Great skies.
Nice contrasts in this one. Hope you settle in real soon.
stunning view ! must be totally different from where you used to live..
Fantastic! I thought it was standing stones from the thumbnail!
She's very cute - especically in that hat!
Wow, what an amazing sky!
wow - this just says "BAM! There's my Year!"
Congratulateions on getting to the end, and nice, bright and interesting note to end on.
What a great exhibit - and I am really pleased to have the explanation too!
Yessss congrats!!
Love the mosaics!
Congratulations on another 365!
Congratulations Jay!
Sorry, just eager to get these up since the group ended! This is a super-cool smoke machine at the Children's Museum in Austin. Without me sitting on top of it the smoke forms a tornado with the top part!
C'mon now Jay, give us the lowdown on this one.
Now that's different!
I like the simplicity here!
Powerful shot ;-)
great sky as well!