Bush to Immigrants: You Will Be Assimilated

From Pony Blow's gaggle (via First Draft):
Q Explain "assimilation." What are you talking about there, Tony?
MR. SNOW: Well, to tell you the truth, Steve, I'll tell you later in the day, because I've got to look at the briefing notes on it. I know it's a Catholic center and I just -- I don't want to --
Later Pony found his notes.
Q What does the President mean by "assimilation"?
MR. SNOW: Assimilation means understanding the laws and cultural pathways of the United States, gaining a mastery of the English language. Those are some of the basics. I mean, one of the things that has been stressed is becoming fluent in English -- that also is something that obviously a lot of Americans support and has always been a key determinate in how successful somebody is going to be in the long run.

ann c
this girl made matt lauer look like a fool.
er, um... are you serious?!
Did you watch the same interview as I did? I saw a woman who never got to bed last night, dressed in a slutty cocktail dress and spouting off about family values. I saw the vile venom of Ann Coulter coming completely unglued as the MSM is finally waking up to her vacuous arguments. I think even Bush would have looked like a genius sitting next to her!