Best. Cover. Ever!

14 Nov
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So far my favorite photo dealing with the whole cascading game of dominos that the last election was is still this. Still be interesting to see if the neocons are beaten back into place by the moderate republicans, or if we're going to have a new party form. Who knows.

Ah, once again

daddy or some other powerful,wealthy interests come to the aid of Junior. Gee,the pattern continues. W screws up and daddy saves his ass.This nation was told six years ago that George W Bush was an empty suit that was too damn stupid to do anything right. Sadly it took six years,over 2800 battlefield deaths,almost 3000 deaths on 9/11,and billions poured down a rat hole called Iraq to find out the truth. This is why people such as the drug-addled gas bag,Limbaugh supported Bush so early,because he IS an empty suit that can be manipulated.

I was thinking

more like pin the tail on the ass, er ... donkey.

as in

the best cover ever to throw darts at?