Banned Irish interview with George Bush

10 Jul
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I remember when this interview aired in Ireland wishing that some of our US journalists would have demonstrated this kind of persistence.  I had no idea at the time that the segment never aired in the States.  Note to the MSM: when the president lies, it is more than ok to call him out!

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Re: Banned Irish interview with George Bush

Does he really believe the world is a safer place now?

Does he really believe that America is the world's most generous country when it comes to wiping out famine and disease??

If he does the man is delusional.

Re: Banned Irish interview with George Bush

Are you  kidding me? Listen to him! He shuts her down to spout propaganda and refuses to really answer, tells her to 'let me finish' when in fact he is interrupting her and condescending to her. Ugh. I second Natalie Maines, I'm not from Texas but God if I'm not embarrassed he's from America.

His way of getting out of his responsibility TODAY  for the hideous debacle he's wrought upon the world is to say that 'History will judge me'.  No you freak of privileged cold hearted upbringing....we judge you now!

I give this interviewer great credit for asking the questions not one American media personality would have dared to ask but that little git (Bush) bullied his way through it. I guess I respect her respect for another nation's leader but seeing that a vast majority of his own people do not respect him....she could have gone harder after him and not accepted his bullying tactics.

I'm not blaming her. Just giving her advice for the next interview. I'd send her the biggest fruit basket I could afford if she'd take him on tougher.

Re: Banned Irish interview with George Bush

um, wow.

...if you don't mind.

just wow.

Re: Banned Irish interview with George Bush

The way he comments about peace and god quite frankly sickens me to the core. What Iraq needs is stability and order, not freedom and democracy. He speaks of Iraqi deaths under Saddam incomparison to present, yet Mr Bush why does a 'great nation' like yours need to compare themselves to Saddam?