While you were looking the other way

As I mentioned in a previous post, it looks like Bush’s infinite war powers are not limited to your phone calls and emails (which, BTW, the White House appears to be retreating on), but also extend to sifting through your bank transactions. The New York Times broke the story, and so therefore obviously must be beheaded as traitors.
In full damage-control mode, the White House (with the aid of Brother Chimpy) unveiled a “major†arrest of a group plotting to blow up the Sears Tower in Chicago. But wait, it turns out that the arrest was not all it was sold to be. Apparently, this supposed “plot†had never advanced beyond the discussion phase, and no member of the group had even met with an Al-Qu’eda agent.
Oh well, better get another constitutional amendment on the books before people start paying attention to the real news.