What do we do with Zarqawi's corpse?

Reader Ron Franscell brings up a really interesting question:
Today, a plaque was placed at the site of Hitler's Berlin bunker -- and his death -- by German historians. Some people complained that neo-Nazis might now use the site as a shrine to one of the great criminals of all times. More than 60 years later, we worry about Hitler's symbolism.
Ironically, today we also hold the corpse of Musab al-Zarqawi. Presuming we will not desecrate him any further than dropping two 500-pound bombs on him, how does one dispose of the body of terrorism's great symbols? If you give him back to his people his symbolism will transcend his mortal coil. If you toss him in a dumpster, it doesn't say much about who we are.
What should be done with a monster's corpse?
In fact, I think this is a question worth answering indeed. Do they cremate? Who gets the ashes? Bury? Where? I would be happy to follow up on this if anyone has an idea how to go about finding this out?