US officials aiding pro-Taliban forces. Again.

The enemy of my enemy? Â Here we go again:Â
U.S. intelligence admitted that it as been supporting a pro-Taliban militant group conducting operations inside the Iranian border. Known as the Mujahideen Jundullah, they operate just across the border in Pakistan and have claimed responsibility for dozens of deaths and kidnappings:
U.S. officials say the U.S. relationship with Jundullah is arranged so that the U.S. provides no funding to the group, which would require an official presidential order or "finding" as well as congressional oversight.Â
Jundullah has produced its own videos showing Iranian soldiers and border guards it says it has captured and brought back to Pakistan.
The leader, Regi, claims to have personally executed some of the Iranians.Â
"He used to fight with the Taliban. He's part drug smuggler, part Taliban, part Sunni activist," said Alexis Debat, a senior fellow on counterterrorism at the Nixon Center and an ABC News consultant who recently met with Pakistani officials and tribal members.Â
"Regi is essentially commanding a force of several hundred guerrilla fighters that stage attacks across the border into Iran on Iranian military officers, Iranian intelligence officers, kidnapping them, executing them on camera," Debat said.Â
Most recently, Jundullah took credit for an attack in February that killed at least 11 members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard riding on a bus in the Iranian city of Zahedan.Â
It’s astounding how the very same people who screwed up the world 30 years ago are now back in power, screwing it up in the exact. same. freakin'. way!