Senator Shadow (R - Evil) - Part Deux
30 Aug

Ok, at this point 95 out of 100 Senators have confirmed that they were not the secret shadow Senator of Evil who placed the hold on the porkbuster accountability bill. Check out the link and see if you can get a confirmation from the remaining five.
TPM has their money on Senator Stevens - you know, the crotchedy old kook from Alaska, the Bridge to Nowhere dude - after digging this little number up:
One of the senators most criticized for his personal projects, Sen. Ted Stevens, R-Alaska, has a hold of his own on Coburn’s bill to make public the spending patterns of the government. Called the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act, the legislation calls for the creation of a database open to the public where citizens can track government spending.“He’s the only senator blocking it,†Coburn said of Stevens.
So the Head Honcho of Pork Politics, huh? Why am I not surprised?