Transitionary Posting – an inside joke.

Alternate title: Gotta post something or I’ll never post again.
Today marks seven months since Lori’s funeral and it’s not getting any easier. If anything, I’m just getting more comfortable living in a state of dulled funk punctuated by sudden and unpredictable bursts of anguish.
I’ve nevertheless gotten quite adept at performing my life; indeed, even an idealized version of it. But even though I’ve sat down to write often in the past few months, I’ve been balked by the omnipresence of my previous post. Amongst all the happenings in the world, good and bad (and let’s face it, there has been some shocking Bad), there has been nothing sufficiently monumental, earth-shatteringly worthy of bumping Lori further down the home page and into the dank oblivion of THF archives.
And there never will be.
So, either I consign THF to the dustbin of Google-was, or I find a way to take that first step. And I can think of none better than an inside joke between me and the sister I will forever miss.
I love you sis.