Tin Man Uncle Sam earns a heart

What can I say but – Genius! Who would have thought that courtesy would help capture hearts and minds. I always thought that gunfire and rape was the best way. I guess that’s why I’ll never work for the Pentagon.
Marines based in western Ramadi now regularly knock on people's front doors instead of storming through. Instead of roaming the streets in armored Humvees, Marines took a census of the area - sitting down and listening to people's concerns and complaints.
"You'd be surprised at how many people in Ramadi are shocked when we knock and ask to come in. And in Arab culture, it makes all the difference," said 2nd Lt. Ryan Hub of Sumter, S.C., who as a teenager lived in Kuwait for two years while his Air Force officer father was stationed there.
Umm, once more for the cheap seats. It’s not that it makes all the difference in Arab culture, it makes all the difference in every culture. You boobs.