Time for the U.S. to east some Humble Pie

AmericaBlog recently posted a response to the latest GOP argument on “lie and die†in Iraq:
...White House officials say will be a central line of attack against Democrats from now through the midterm elections: that the withdrawal being advocated by Democrats would mean thousands of troops would have died for nothing, would give extremists a launching pad from which to build an Islamo-fascist empire and would hand the United States its must humiliating defeat since Vietnam.
Unfortunately, we've already got all three. George Bush's lies and incompetence have already killed 2,500 American soldiers. It's hard to spin their deaths as a good thing when they were killed by a president's folly. Second, Bush's incompetence has turned Iraq into an Islamo-fascist state that we now can't do anything about. And finally, George Bush's incompetence has handed us our most humiliating defeat since Vietnam.
However, I don’t agree that Iraq is merely a choice between “cut and run†or “stay and die.†There is a third option which; one which many of swollen American pride may find distasteful, but is really the best move. Simply put, out presence in the region has become an extreme liability to global security and we must immediately recuse ourselves from the command post. Today. Eat some humble pie and go to the UN, ask them to assume operational command with complete autonomy, and offer them our unconditional support in terms of manpower, equipment, money, expertise, or whatever.
Yes, we will look foolish. Bush might have to cut an inch or two off his swagger. But a little humility will go a long way towards resolving this perpetual quagmire.