This is just too easy!
30 Jun

In the spirit of this week’s poll, I posted this over at Kos and got some funny responses. Here’s a few of my favs:
- Help Mommy, Cheney shot grandpa in the face!
- Help! Mom! The CDC wants to innoculate me against HPV!
- Help! Mom! The pollution is making me sterile!
- Help, Mom! I somehow became President!
- Help, Mom! I'm having an affair with a colored! (Depiction of Georgie in bed with Condi.)
- Help mom! myritlinprescriptionranoutIcan'tfindmysoccercleatsmyipodisdeadourscienceteachersaid
recital! - Help Mom! I've Been Left Behind!
- Help! Mom! I'm pregnant! because abstinence-only sex education left me without useful information on birth control.
- Help! Mom! The Coathanger Got Stuck!
- Help! Mom! I Need a Ride Across State Boundaries!
- Help! Mom! I Need a Parental Consent Release Form!
- Help! Mom! The Nearest Clinic is 16 Hours Away!
- Help! Mom! I Discovered I'm a Sexual Being!
- Help! Mom! I Decided Not to Be Frigid Like You!
- Help! Mom! Jesus is a Lousy Lay!
- Help! Mom! The Thought of Liberals Regaining Control of Congress Just Made Me Sh*t Myself!
- Help Mom! There is a scarey lady with a manly Adam's apple screaming at Liberals!
- Help Mom! I have a giant chunk of debt as my birthright!
- Help Mom! The beach is now at our front door!
- Help Mom! I have no health insurance!
- And for equal gender representation: Help Dad! Mom Doesn't Understand She Has To Be Subservient To You!
Keep 'em coming and I'll keep passing them along to the publisher!