THF Plagiarism Friday!

Per usual, hats off to Jonathan Schwarz (imho, the best blogger on this planet or any other) for the juxtaposition:
Cho Seung-Hui, in the video mailed to NBC:
"You had a hundred billion chances and ways to have avoided today...You forced me into a corner and gave me only one option. The decision was yours. Now you have blood on your hands that will never wash off.''
George Bush, three days before the invasion of Iraq:
"Tomorrow is the day that we will determine whether or not diplomacy can work...You see, the decision is [Saddam's] to make. And it's been his to make all along as to whether or not there's the use of the military. He got to decide...these are his decisions to make."
Also, great catch from Wonkette on the “Marine Hero of the Day†who took it upon himself to keep track of how many times Gonzo invoked the Reagan defense under questioning.