THF Grand Re-Opening!

Well, you may have noticed over the last few days that the site has either been down, stagnant, or both. The reason for this is that I seem to have developed some irreconcilable differences with my web host and was forced to switch servers which proved to be a helluva lot more work than I'd expected! At this point, this site seems to be both live and stable and most of the glitches seemed to have been worked out. Some of the archive text appears to have been slightly garbled in the transfer though it is not serious and I have no plans to do anything about it.
In the meantime, enjoy the site again and please please please report any glitches you find via the site's Contact link.
On a separate note, spamming on this site has evolved from a minor nuisance to an all-out menace. I am taking aggressive measures to deal with the problem. Suffice it to say that if you plan on spamming this site, you can expect to end up on the internet blacklist. So don't do it!