The United States is trying to make me fat!

The World Trade Organization once again ruled in favor of the United States (big surprise) in preventing other countries from blocking High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS). For those of you not familiar with this stuff, it is used to sweeten food products (almost exclusively) in the United States. Why? Because the stuff is absolute filth and other countries don’t want it!
The problem with HFCS is that, although it tastes like a sugar, it actually behaves more like a fat in the body. A really nasty one at that. According to the American Journal for Clinical Nutrition, it may very well be the culprit for the overwhelming obesity problem in the U.S. And let me tell you, after living abroad for so many years, I can’t even begin to describe how shocked I am when I come home to see how phenomenally obese Americans are.
I remember several years back when I used to enjoy all the multiplicities of bananas one finds at the grocery store in Europe. However, after a similar WTO ruling, today every single one of them is Chiquita, unless you’re willing to spring for the organic versions (which I am). At this point, it is nearly impossible to remove HFCS from your diet if you live in the U.S. because it is in just about everything you could imagine. Hope it doesn’t become like that here.