The monkey got out of his cage

Oops, looks like Bush’s handlers let the monkey run his mouth a little too freely. SFGate has the article on some of his comments (emphasis in original):
Perhaps most revealing in the remarks Bush offered the Stars & Stripes was his answer when he was asked why, to date, he has not attended the funeral of a single U.S. soldier who has been killed in his war. Bush, who famously dodged the regular-forces draft during the Vietnam War era, then went AWOL from his National Guard duty post in Texas, said: "Because which funeral do you go to? In my judgment, I think if I go to one I should go to all. How do you honor one person but not another?"
Bush has killed so many people that it would be impossible to attend all the funerals. Not the most shining endorsement of his foreign policy. But do we really need to answer a question on how to honor fallen soldiers? How about just attending one? How about acknowledging your role in their deaths? How about even just mentioning their names? Or maybe even a phone call to the families?