The Hindsight Factor needs your help!

UPDATE: Donation button has been fixed...
Hey, just shut up and empty those pockets, foo!
Seriously though, you should know right from the start that blogging is and always will be a non-profit venture for me. Unlike some of the major blogs, I am not seeking to get paid for expressing my oft-lame opinions, nor am I asking anyone to subsidize my over-inflated sushi habit.
That being said, this site does incur significant monetary expenses and financial considerations pose a barrier to the site being all it can be. Quite frankly, I never imagined the site's readership would grow so large. While I'm thrilled about this, it has resulted in the site being extremely slow and going down more often than should be expected.
If you're reading this, then you are obviously willing to grin and bear it. But if others are anything like me, they're just too damn busy to waste time on a slow site. In all honesty, I probably wouldn't visit The Hindsight Factor myself were it not necessary to post new content. Sadly, the load times are often so bad that I just simply must limit the amount of new posts I am able to do on my lunch break.
At this point, I feel confident that my needs are modest. On top of the hosting fees I am already paying, for a mere $15 more per month I could purchase some dedicated processor speed from my web host to enable the site run more quickly and be able to provide more content and user-functions.
So please, if you enjoy visiting The Hindsight Factor, I am appealing to your assistance in helping it be all it can be. Please give whatever you can using the donation box at the top right of the screen. Imagine, if only 35 of you donated $5 each, we would be able to pay for the first year! And remember, each not-so-tax-free donation to The Hindsight Factor can be redeemed for one free wish which is yours to keep!
Finally, in the interest of full transparency, I promise to maintain a full and accurate accounting of the site's income and expenses right here at all times.