The excuses continue

I have, in fact, arrived at my next destination. All signs indicate that you should be lavishing your hearts and minds in my brilliant yet humble exposition on the state of world affairs. Alas, as the saying goes - tough tittie (damn odd expression, n'est pas?). I am at my mother-in-law's house and, right on cue, her adorable (yet mildly demonic) kittie is giving my histamine production a good 'ol workout.
I finally broke down last night and took a Benedryl - whose side effects are possibly worse than the symptoms - and after feeling a bit better tried to get some snoozing in. But for some reason I just kept getting worse and worse and finally got out of bed in order to keep from waking my partner with my wheezing snores. As I'm leaving the room, I realize that I had been using the cat's blanket as my own and had literally been shrouded in a tent of allergens. Yeah, yeah ... go ahead and call the wah-mbulance, but the point is I'm not really up to blogging today.
BUT ... since you spent your hard-earned bucks to visit me, I'll go ahead and leave you with a couple of videos to while away your dreary hours until my next post. The first is a collection of clips from a Japanese tee-vee show where they go around waking people up in crazy ways. WARNING: go to the bathroom BEFORE you watch this. The second video is just a damn clever/cool music video using treadmills. Enjoy!