Travelin' Monday Link Vomit

Just in from the Center for the Study of Really Obvious Things: Roberts and Alito mislead us in the Senate confirmation hearings.
DoubleSpeak shares this Argus Poll that in South Dakota, “47 percent of voters polled would vote to reject the ban, compared with 39 percent who would vote to keep it. Another 14 percent were undecided.â€Â
Safehaven at My Left Wing posits the slow yet undeniable crash of the NASDAQ market. In other news, the GDP report predicts a full-blown U.S. recession by the years end. Oh, and the rest of the planet ain’t lookin so hot either. Gee, did this happen the last time we tried trickle-down economics? And the time before that? And the time before that?
For my fellow nerdlings, ready the photon torpedoes and enjoy this study on the effectiveness and efficacy of sci-fi space-based weaponry.
Bush is openly egging Israel on, calling a broader war in the Middle East an “opportunity.â€Â
As Ohio swiftboater suggests Ted Strickland (and his wife) are gay, a new reports shows how rampant institutionalized homophobia in the military has cost us 11,000 critical soldiers, including many Arabic speakers.
After deriding the lack of privatization in the Big Dig for years, lo and behold, it isn’t government but rather everyone’s favorite war profiteer emerging as the responsible party in the collapse. On the other hand, it is the federal government responsible for hiding and attempting to deceive auditors responsible for investigating the massive overspending in Iraq.
Oops, looks like those pesky laws might just get somebody in trouble for recent war crimes. Better change the rules before someone (white) gets hurt. Oh, and while you’re at it, better go ahead and expand the Gitmo detention center while you’re at it. It’s good to be the King.
Finally, enjoy this utterly brilliant piece from Krugman on the MSM’s complete impotence to penetrate the dissembling from Team Chimpy.